Wills updates Rotary Club on schools

As technology continues to become more and more a part of daily life, so it is also with schools as the Greenfield Rotary Club heard Thursday from Greenfield’s superintendent.

Technology has been a major factor in education and Greenfield Exempted Village Schools Superintendent Joe Wills said the school board has been “very gracious” in its support of getting the needed equipment for students, whose required testing is all taken online.

Wills, who is in his third year as superintendent, said that since he has come to the district 92 existing computers have been replaced in all the buildings. In addition to that, 205 computers and two computer labs have been added, and 510 Chrome books and 120 laptops have been purchased.

Textbooks purchased over the last two years are “blended learning,” he said, combining an actual textbook with material online.

Keyboard classes have been added in grades kindergarten through second as a way to help the younger students become familiar with a computer.

He said with the technological requirements and the varying levels of comfort with teachers on using technology have been addressed through professional development.

Technology classes have been added at the high school, Wills said, and a recent in-service day for teachers saw about 15 of those students coming in to teach the teachers.

Wills said some of the students are “light years ahead” on their technological knowledge.

In other updates, the superintendent said the school is working with a company on safety plans for its buildings. The schools will be photographed throughout and the images constructed into a visual diagram, which first responders would be able to access.

On another matter of safety, Wills said additional cameras have been added to buildings throughout the district, and the main entrance of the elementary now has a door that requires a person to be buzzed in to enter.

Future plans, he said, include roof work on the elementary buildings, flooring at the athletic building, lighting at the football field, and continuing restoration of artwork throughout McClain High School.

The Greenfield Rotary Club meets at 11:30 a.m. each Thursday at Catch 22 Sports Pub on Jefferson Street in Greenfield.

Reach Angela Shepherd at 937-393-3456, ext. 1681, or on Twitter @wordyshepherd.

Greenfield superintendent Joe Wills, far right, speaks to the Greenfield Rotary Club on Thursday.
http://aimmedianetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2016/01/web1_Rotary1.jpgGreenfield superintendent Joe Wills, far right, speaks to the Greenfield Rotary Club on Thursday.
Future plans include football lighting, continued art restoration at McClain

By Angela Shepherd

[email protected]