Happy Thanksgiving as we pause to count our blessings

In a chaotic world too often filled with acrimony, extreme partisanship, political battle lines and threats to our security — nationally, internationally and sometimes even locally — it’s good that Thanksgiving is upon us.

In Highland County, it’s important to take a break from the hot-button issues of the day and the subjects that can divide us and remember the blessings we enjoy and all the reasons we have to be thankful.

We live in a community where people are for the most part loving, caring and compassionate, where family and friends are there for us, and where faith in God remains a cornerstone of our daily lives. We may sometimes forget those things when we follow our baser instincts and let rancor and hostility toward each other overcome our better natures.

For most of us, Thanksgiving will be a happy day spent with family and friends in a warm house with plentiful food. It is important that we remember those among us whose life circumstances will not result in such a blessed time. A number of individuals, organizations and churches go out of their way to help address those needs, and we are thankful for that.

Thanksgiving provides a chance to remind ourselves that despite the differences that divide us, we are united by a shared love of our nation, a dedication to making our communities better places to live, and a commitment to ensuring that our children and grandchildren inherit freedoms and opportunities in even greater abundance than existed for the generations before them.

The Times-Gazette wishes each of you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
