Portsmouth man in court for meth


A Portsmouth man was sentenced in Highland County Common Pleas Court to three years of community control for methamphetamine trafficking.

Richard Wilson, 37, was sentenced to three years of community control for one count of aggravated trafficking in meth, a fourth-degree felony. Wilson was required to pay restitution through the Victim Restitution Escrow Account in monthly payments of $50 starting on Sept. 1, 2023. He was also required to pay restitution of $220 to the Highland County Victim Witness Office. If Wilson violates any of the community control sanctions, he would be given a sentence of between six and 18 months and ordered to pay a fine of $5,000.

According to court documents, on July 21, 2022, a sergeant and an investigator met with a confidential informant who arranged to purchase one ounce of meth from Wilson on South Fifth Street in Greenfield. The informant was given a video camera as well as the $260 before being dropped off.

The sergeant and investigator watched the video as the informant walked east on South Street before beginning to go south on South Fifth Street. The informant initiated contact with a male subject. The sergeant then positively identified that subject as Wilson. The investigator then heard a car pull up and Wilson walked away from the informant. Wilson returned and handed the informant a plastic baggie.

Wilson told the informant that he didn’t have a full ounce and there would be only 10 grams. The informant walked away and was picked up by the two officers. He handed over a cellophane baggie that contained a crystal substance and $40 to the sergeant. The investigator photographed the returned money and text messages between the informant and Wilson when they were setting up the deal.

The crystal substance was then submitted to BCI for testing and was found to contain meth.

Reach Jacob Clary at 937-402-2570.

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