Greenfield man sentenced on drug charges


A Greenfield man was sentenced to more than two years in prison on drug charges in Highland County Common Pleas Court.

In one case, Daniel Hatfield, 51, was sentenced to nine months in prison for tampering with evidence, a third-degree felony, which was ordered to be consecutive to six months apiece for three separate counts of aggravated possession of methamphetamine, all fifth-degree felonies, for a total prison sentence of 27 months.

According to court documents for the first case, on or around Oct. 10, 2022, Hatfield, knowing that an official proceeding or investigation was in progress, concealed or removed a record, document or thing with the purpose to impair its value or availability as evidence in the proceedings or investigation.

According to court documents for the first count of the second case, on or around Aug. 6, 2022, a sergeant was dispatched to Jefferson Street in Greenfield in reference to a report of a suspicious person that was trespassing on the property and “behaving strangely.” Two patrol officers arrived on the scene and initiated contact with Hatfield. The sergeant observed that Hatfield looked to be under the influence of amphetamines. Hatfield told the sergeant that he was on the property collecting arrowheads and showed a “few pieces of gravel” to them.

The sergeant saw that Hatfield was highly animated and making constant jerking motions. He also repeatedly pointed to small wounds on his arms that he referred to as bug bites. The sergeant asked Hatfield if they could search his bag, to which consent was granted. The sergeant saw a cigarette cellophane that contained a crystalline substance. Hatfield said that he started using meth when he became homeless one month prior. The crystalline substance was submitted to BCI and was found to contain meth.

According to court documents for the second count, on or around Aug. 22, 2022, a patrol officer was on patrol on South McArthur Way at around 11:22 p.m. when they saw movement in Felson Park. The officer saw someone on a bicycle going deeper into the park and caught up with them just before the shelter house.

Hatfield was told that the park was closed after dark and that he was trespassing. The patrol officer asked Hatfield if he was still using drugs, to which Hatfield said that he was.

Another patrol officer then arrived on the scene to assist and found a plastic bag that contained a white crystalline substance. That substance was found to contain meth.

According to court documents for the third count of the second case, on or around Oct. 6, 2022, a patrol officer was on duty at around 5:16 a.m. when an unknown person came to the front of the courthouse and started to repeatedly push the outside buzzer. The person then started to yell at the dispatcher because they wanted to know who was in charge of the town.

A patrol officer spotted Hatfield in front of McDonald’s on the south side of Jefferson Street and asked him what was happening. After the patrol officer tried multiple times to speak to Hatfield calmly, Hatfield balled up his fists while yelling at the patrol officer that he was sick of them stopping him and telling him what he can and can’t do.

Hatfield was placed in handcuffs and was told that he was being placed under arrest. The patrol officer found a short straw wrapped in a plastic baggie in Hatfield’s pocket.

The patrol officer asked what Hatfield was worried about. He said that “there wasn’t even anything left in it.” Hatfield was then transported to the Greenfield Police Department. A white powder substance was found inside the baggie that was wrapped around the straw. The substance was also found inside a plastic capsule in Hatfield’s pocket. The substance was submitted to BCI for analysis and was found to contain meth.

In other sentencings, Tommy Brockman, 41, Hillsboro, was sentenced to nine months in prison on one count of failure to comply with the order or signal of a police officer, a third-degree felony. He was given 44 days of jail-time credit. Brockman’s driver’s license was suspended for three years beginning on July 5, 2023.

According to court documents, on or around March 14, 2023, an officer saw a white Dodge Stratus going over the posted speed limit of 25 mph. The officer “paced” the vehicle to be going 37 mph. The suspect’s vehicle started to slow down on Chillicothe Avenue, but then rapidly accelerated.

The vehicle driver started to flee and went through several different streets inside city limits while “disregarding all traffic control devices and speed limits.” The officer continued to pursue the vehicle as it went eastbound on S.R. 124 and eventually turned onto North Shore Drive where it lost its front right tire. The officer was able to get in front of the vehicle and tried to box it in and in so doing the suspect vehicle struck the patrol vehicle.

The vehicle stopped at a location on Beechwood Lane. Brockman immediately exited the vehicle and fled on foot. A sergeant and deputy pursued him. An officer checked the vehicle and detained a passenger found in the front passenger seat. During the foot pursuit Brockman lost his balance and fell to the ground. He was placed under arrest and taken to the Highland County Justice Center.

Joshua Hammond, 39, Greenfield, was sentenced to six years of community control from two separate cases, including three years on one count of aggravated possession of meth, and the other being three years of community control on another count of aggravated possession of meth.

According to court documents for the first case, on or around Feb. 1, 2023, Hammond possessed meth.

According to court documents for the second case, while on patrol around Dec. 18, 2022, an officer contacted a sergeant to say that they were traveling behind a brown Chevrolet owned by Hammond, who was known to have a suspended license. The officer told the sergeant that Hammond was on Jefferson Street going westbound. A different patrol officer was “stationary” in their patrol vehicle at the Greenfield Police Department and saw the vehicle approaching Washington Street, with the first officer two vehicles behind Hammond.

The Chevrolet turned left “abruptly” into a gas station with the stationary patrol officer pulling in as well. The Chevrolet eventually came to a stop. The patrol officer had Hammond exit the vehicle and Hammond showed his ID card. The patrol officer ran the ID through dispatch and confirmed that he was a suspended driver. Also, the tags on his vehicle expired in 2020. The patrol officer asked Hammond if there was anything illegal inside of the vehicle, to which he said there was and that he didn’t want the patrol officer to search the vehicle.

The patrol officer placed Hammond in hand restraints and then took him to the back of his patrol vehicle, then deployed a K9 to conduct an open-air sniff of the vehicle. The K9 positively alerted on the front driver’s side door of the vehicle. The patrol officer returned to speak to Hammond, who said that there was a glass container with “ice” inside of the vehicle. Hammond also said he wasn’t sure where he’d placed the item . The patrol officer returned to Hammond’s vehicle and found a glass container holding a crystalline substance wedged between the front passenger seat and the center console.

The patrol officer photographed the container and collected it as evidence. The vehicle was towed from the scene. Hammond was issued traffic citations and released. The crystalline substance was submitted to BCI for testing and was found to contain meth.

Daniel Butcher, 39, Greenfield, was sentenced to three years of community control for one count of possession of drugs, a fifth-degree felony. He was accepted into the New Way to Recovery Drug Court Docket.

According to court documents, on or around Sept. 18, 2022, a patrol officer was eastbound on South Street when they saw a red Chevrolet truck in an alley facing southbound. As the patrol officer passed the truck, he saw the truck driver turn westbound without using a signal.

The officer turned the patrol vehicle around and the truck “rapidly accelerated.” As the officer activated the lights on the patrol vehicle, the truck stopped abruptly on South Street. Two people in the truck exited and ran inside. The officer exited the vehicle, ran to the front door of the location and asked an occupant of the location about who ran inside and where the two went.

They were told that the two subjects were Daniel Butcher and another person, with them running around to the back. The officer went around to the side of the residence and jumped over the fence. The officer saw Butcher and the other subject. He ordered the two subjects to stop and they complied. Both subjects were placed in handcuffs. Butcher was patted down and secured inside the patrol vehicle.

The officer then patted down the other subject, who told the officer that Butcher was the one driving. The officer ran the license plate of the truck with it coming back as belonging to someone from Pike County.

While the patrol officer was searching the truck, he saw a plastic baggie with drug paraphernalia shoved inside the steering column of the vehicle. The officer also saw what looked to be a handgun inside of the driver’s side door. The plastic baggie found in the steering column was found to contain an “unknown white powder.” A BB gun was also found in the driver’s side door. Butcher’s cell phones were also found on the driver’s side of the vehicle. The truck was towed from the scene.

The route that the two subjects ran was then searched with a hypodermic needle found in the backyard of the location. Butcher repeatedly denied having any drugs or needles. The officer advised Butcher that he’d had two needles with him during “a previous encounter,” as Butcher then changed the story and claimed that the needle wasn’t his and belonged to the other person. The two subjects were in the Greenfield jail.

The other subject was questioned. They said that Butcher parked the truck at the location on South Street and that Butcher yelled at them to run. They also said that they didn’t know that there was “dope” in the vehicle. They admitted to using meth earlier that day.

The white powder substance found inside the vehicle was submitted to BCI and found to contain fentanyl and tramadol. Butcher was previously convicted of trafficking in heroin in the vicinity of a school zone.

Amber Docter, 29, Sabina, was sentenced to three years of community control for two counts of aggravated trafficking in a fentanyl-related compound, one being a fourth-degree felony and the other being a third-degree felony.

Court records stated that Docter must successfully complete substance use disorder (S.U.D.) residential treatment and aftercare.

According to documents for the first count, two investigators met with a confidential informant (CI) who arranged to purchase fentanyl for $80 from someone. The informant set up the deal through Facebook Messenger and arranged to meet her somewhere on North Fourth Street in Greenfield.

The informant entered a blue SUV on Lafayette Street in Greenfield, which was within 1,000 feet of a school. A short time after, the informant exited the SUV and it drove away. The informant turned over a plastic Ziploc baggie that contained a paper fold and indicated that they met her on North Fourth Street and that she was driving the vehicle and had someone with her in the front passenger seat. The substance was submitted BCI for testing and was found to contain fentanyl.

On March 7, 2023, an investigator spoke to the chief of the Sabina Police Department who identified the person that handed over dope from the deal, On July 21, 2022, the informant identified Docter from a photo lineup as the person that the they knew as Amber Nicole.

According to court documents for the second count, on June 8, 2022, an officer and two investigators met with an informant who arranged to meet Docter and purchased heroin for $250. The informant set up the deal through Facebook Messenger. They were dropped off at the location, which was still within 1,000 feet of a school. The informant entered a blue Ford Escape. Shortly after, they exited the vehicle. They gave over a bag of suspected fentanyl and were searched. While the officer and investigator were on Jefferson Street, they saw the Ford Escape exit the McDonald’s lot, where the investigator saw the driver and recognized her as the same person in the same Facebook profile of “Amber Nicole” on the informant’s phone.

The informant indicated they met with Docter and the person in the front passenger seat that received the money and handed over the substance. The substance was then submitted to BCI for analysis and was found to contain 1.10 grams of fentanyl. The license plate of the Ford Escape was registered to someone with an address on Jackson Street in Sabina.

Reach Jacob Clary at 937-402-2570.

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