SSCC Theatre announces 19th season


SSCC Theatre has announced its upcoming 19th season for 2024-25 including “Radium Girls” playing Nov. 8-10, 2024. “Othering” will appear April 4-6, 2025. Both productions will be presented in the Edward K. Daniels Auditorium on the Southern State Community College Central Campus, 100 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro.

“Radium Girls” by D.W. Gregory starts in 1926, when radium was a miracle cure, Madame Curie an international celebrity and luminous watches the latest rage until the girls who painted them began to fall ill with a mysterious disease.

Inspired by a true story, “Radium Girls” traces the efforts of Grace Fryer, a dial painter, as she fights for her day in court. Her chief adversary is her former employer, Arthur Roeder, an idealistic man who cannot bring himself to believe that the same element that shrinks tumors could have anything to do with the terrifying rash of illnesses among his employees. As the case goes on Grace finds herself battling not just with the U.S. Radium Corporation, but with her own family and friends, who fear that her campaign for justice will backfire.

“Othering” by Rainee Angles weaves together the cast and crew’s personal experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic with their poignant performance of “The Diary of Anne Frank.” Through diaries, news stories, social media and powerful original dialogue, “Othering” explores the heightened systemic racism and societal challenges that, while not comparable in severity to Anne Frank’s world, share some unsettling similarities. This innovative performance fuses video, sound and projections to create a compelling narrative that reflects humanity’s resilience and struggles in 2020 creating a unique and thought-provoking journey that connects past and present in an unforgettable theatrical event.

To learn more about these productions, when tickets go on sale, or when auditions will be held, visit

Submitted by Elizabeth Burkard, director of marketing, SSCC.

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