McCarty Associates celebrates 60 years


McCarty Associates, located at 213 N. High St., Hillsboro, celebrated 60 years of serving the community with a ribbon cutting from the Highland County Chamber of Commerce, along with family, friends and members of the community, on May 31.

McCarty Associates is a team of architects, civil engineers and land surveyors in Hillsboro with more than 60 years of experience in all types of commercial, industrial and residential projects. They recently renovated the facade of their building along with renovations throughout the building, including the lobby and conference room.

“We remodeled last year for the 60th anniversary at the persistence of all my professional staff which are all in their 30s and 40s,” said Mike McCarty, director of engineering services. “They wanted our building to be more noticeable and have a better trademark out on the face of the community. This is their statement to tell everyone that they plan to be here 60 more years.”

“As the local people here, we take pride in still being able to service the local community,” McCarty continued. “I have been telling people for the last year that I take neither the credit nor the blame for any of this, it was this team that came up with the idea, that executed the project and created a new image and a new face for the company here. This is evidence to the community that we plan to be here for another 60 years. All the community members that are here thank you for coming out today. I recognize all of you as being our support, our clients and friends, so thank you all.”

For more information including hours, availability and more, visit McCarty Associates Facebook page, visit or call 937-393-9971.

Submitted by Jamie Wheeler, executive director, Highland County Chamber of Commerce.

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