Hillsboro woman guilty of animal cruelty


A Hillsboro woman has been ordered to forfeit her dog and pay a fine after being found guilty of second-degree misdemeanor animal cruelty.

Ciara Lee Howe, 20, originally pled not guilty but was found guilty by the court and ordered to forfeit her German shepherd to the Highland County Humane Society and to pay a $450 fee to provide for the costs of care for the animal for the first 30 days.

A fine of $50, $120 in court costs and 90 days in jail were suspended on the condition that Howe complete one year of reporting probation, pay all costs and forfeit the dog.

Highland County’s Humane Agent Bryana Williamson reported that on April 8, 2024, she received an online animal cruelty complaint form alleging that Howe and a local teen were caught on video punching and kicking their dog. The complainant further stated they were filmed holding the dog off the ground by the dog’s collar.

On April 9, Williamson met with the witness to go over the videos of the incident and alleged violation. After reviewing the videos, Williamson could clearly see that Lowe punched the dog in the face multiple times. Williamson said she could also see a juvenile clearly kick the dog in the face, according to the Highland County Humane Society.

Later, Williamson went to the suspects’ home. Upon arrival Williamson informed the suspects of the video evidence, and advised she would need to impound the dog for the dog’s safety. She notified the suspect that there would be a hearing within 10 days of the impoundment.

The suspects would not allow Williamson to impound the dog, the Humane Society said.

Williamson then went to the Hillsboro Police Department and officers assisted her with impounding the dog. In addition, Howe was taken into custody and served with animal cruelty charges.

A probable cause hearing was held on April 16. It was determined during the hearing that the Humane Society would continue to care for the dog. Howe was served a bond in the amount of $450 for the 30-day impoundment of the dog.

On May 7, Howe was found guilty of a second-degree misdemeanor of animal cruelty. The dog was ordered to be forfeited to the Highland County Humane Society.

Williamson said she wanted to thank the Hillsboro Police Department and its officers for their assistance on the case and investigation.

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