St. Mary’s Episcopal begins Red Door Bakes


June finds a new program beginning at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church called Red Door Bakes, which is a new kind of bake sale.

Following the model of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in Auburn, Alabama, which runs “St. Duns Buns,” St. Mary’s has developed a website where the baked goods being offered are listed (some with photos) as well as a description. Buyers can choose the items they want to purchase, make a donation for the item and pay, then pick up the item on the designated date and time.

“Having endured bake sales sitting at a rickety card table in front of a grocery store, laying out a multitude of baked goods and watching as people go by, trying to ‘not see you,’ this program has no waste as only the items ordered are produced,” a news release from the church said. “St. Mary’s has some adventurous and committed bakers and we want to share the deliciousness while raising some funds for the endless projects which surface in an older church building.”

The June bake is now open and you are invited to have a look and hopefully find some goodies you just can’t pass up.

The website is The church is located at 234 N. High St., Hillsboro.

Submitted by John Glaze, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church.

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