Cloud wins Generation Leadership Award


Southern Hills Community Bank has announced that Lindsay Cloud, CPA, executive vice president and chief financial officer, has been honored with the Ohio Banker’s League (OBL) Next Generation Leadership Award. This accolade, presented by the OBL, recognizes young leaders who exhibit exceptional vision, innovation and dedication in their fields.

Cloud has played a vital role in the growth of Southern Hills Community Bank over the past several years and deserves the recognition of the OBL Next Generation Leadership Award. She has been the glue that has strengthened employee morale and communication as well as the driving force in the implementation of day-to-day operations that has led to many employee successes and a bright outlook for Southern Hills Community Bank.

Cloud is very involved in the local community, giving back by donating her time to numerous local schools as well as other deserving organizations. She was the chair of the Highland County Chamber of Commerce Board in 2022 and has also been involved with the OBL Next Generation Advisory Board, serving as chair in 2023.

Cloud has created many avenues for employees to be heard and has been an advocate for their personal and professional growth. She has created a future leaders group, a group of up-and-coming professionals within the bank.

“We are thrilled to see Lindsay Cloud receive this well-deserved recognition,” said Mike Adelman, president and CEO of the Ohio Bankers League. “Her dedication, creativity and leadership inspire all of us, and we look forward to seeing her continue to drive positive change in the banking sector.”

The Next Generation Leadership Award highlights the importance of fostering talent and encouraging dynamic leadership within the financial industry. Cloud’s achievement is a testament to her hard work and vision, and she stands as a role model for aspiring leaders everywhere.

Submitted by Lauren Smith, Southern Hills Community Bank.

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