Hillsboro FFA volunteers at ballpark

Pictured above from left to right: Chris Sowders, Deliana Southworth, Reagan Leeth, and Rylea Scarberry.

On June 10th, The Hillsboro FFA Chapter was able to volunteer their time at the well-loved, Shaffer Ballpark. Everyone around the community loves spending time out in this amazing spot that brings us all together. There really is something special about this humble place, seeing as how the parking lots are full during every single summer evening.

However, the reason so many people are able to enjoy these relaxing baseball and/or softball games is because of the people who put in hours of service that many don’t get to see. Hillsboro FFA understands the importance of this dedication and decided they wanted to help out.

Twenty FFA members took up one-hour shifts that fell into 4 groups that spread from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. During this time, these volunteers helped within the concession stand by taking orders and passing out candy, food, drinks and other goodies. Those who helped were able to enjoy the bonding time with their chapter, in addition to getting closer to the community.

The specific FFA members who took the time out of their day for this event include; Carter Boyd, Dalayna Collins, Bella Jacobs, Addy Knauff, Reagan Leeth, Ava Leonard, Cole Mason, Jaya Reed, Jay Reno and Rylea Scarberry, among others. After their shifts, a couple of members were found watching a game or meeting with others. The Hillsboro FFA chapter enjoys these events in order to benefit the community in order to give back to those who support them. Hillsboro FFA applauds those who volunteered their time for this event. All in all, the day was a great one and a very successful event that the Hillsboro FFA was more than happy to participate in.