Tiger locker room gets makeover from fans


The McClain Tigers’ locker room has had some sprucing up, thanks to the volunteer efforts of the many folks who came together to pull it off, and with the football coach and athletes not knowing much about what was happening, so it could be a bit of a surprise.

Superintendent Quincey Gray said many people joined forces to do a makeover to the locker room ahead of the upcoming football season. She called those involved “true Tiger fans,” and noted that Penwell did not have all the details of the “who and what and where” because those involved were doing a good thing meant to be a surprise for the team and the coach.

According to information shared on Facebook by Justin McNeal Homerun Ins, this was a weekend project that included things like new drywall, painting, graphics, furniture and a drop-down motorized television mount for viewing game footage. It was a much-needed improvement to a locker room that hadn’t seen much more than new paint in more than a couple of decades.

At its regular meeting on Monday, July 22, Greenfield’s board of education recognized these efforts, and some of those involved were able to attend the meeting. Those in attendance were Matt Binegar, Devon Penwell, Tanner McGlone, Evan McGlone and coach Keith Penwell. Those unable to attend, but who are also recognized, are: Rent-2-Own, Tyler Jackson, Lissa Cornell, Ellen Binegar, Cade Sponcil, Jessica McNeal, Sponcil Work Crew, Steven’s Hardware, Five Six O Graphics, Josh McFarland, Ray Sponcil, Scott Anderson and Justin McNeal.

In other business, Gray reported that the practice field development is coming along and the completion of the project gets nearer every day. The progress of the project can be seen daily, and what was just steel bones a few months ago is now a structure with a facade, roof and lots of activity completing what remains to be done.

She suggested that the project could be ready for an open house in the fall.

Gray also discussed summer maintenance projects which include sidewalks, flooring at the middle school, redoing the Greenfield Elementary office, paving at the field house, cleaning of the sundial, a fix at the clock tower, the flooring of the new gym and work at the current bus garage. Other projects for the future that the administration is looking into are an update of the chemistry lab, which remains about the same as it was when it came to be in the 1980s, and an update to the natatorium.

The budget and finance committee will be reviewing project scopes and budgets for the chemistry lab and natatorium in near-future meetings.

District treasurer Brad Barber in his report discussed several things, which included conducting budget meetings with administrative staff, increasing the frequency of reviewing and accepting donations made to the district to a monthly basis, and the closing of inactive activity funds so that money can be redistributed to current funds benefiting students.

In other meeting matters, Gray spoke of her gratitude to the McClain Alumni Association for its organization of the annual Edward Lee McClain Day, which was held on July 20. The centennial of the old vocational building and middle school was also celebrated this year on that day. Gray said the event was “a very nice afternoon” that included a program, proclamations from the village of Greenfield and the Highland County Board of Commissioners, a display of photos from 1987 graduate Parker Pfister, the presentation of challenge coins donated by the class of 1974 and presented by 1974 graduate Doug Daniels and tours of the buildings until after the slated end time for the event.

The superintendent also noted that summer is quickly slipping into the new school year as next week marks the new staff orientation and the substitute teacher training. The first day back to school for students is Aug. 15.

Consent agenda items accepted by the board included the resignations of intervention specialist Denise Bierhup, paraprofessional Courtney Speakman, cafeteria worker Kim Beatty, paraprofessional Jessica Mt. Castle and bus driver Vicky Ryan who has worked for the district for more than 40 years.

Employment recommendations approved by the board included: Erin Goddard – school counselor at Buckskin and Rainsboro elementaries; Kim Beatty – paraprofessional; Rachael Crabtree – bus driver; Jessica Perkins – cafeteria; Vicki Smith – aide; Robbie Wise – custodian/maintenance; Devin Carter – boys basketball assistant; Caleb Cooper – boys wrestling; Cameron Clouser – wrestling assistant; Tim Lyons – middle school wrestling; Erick Kelley – wrestling assistant; Tyler Jackson – seventh-grade boys basketball; Shawna Conger – girls basketball assistant; Gary Ryan – wrestling assistant; classified substitute Valarie Barrett as well as a list of renewing classified substitutes; and certified substitutes Veronica Andersen, Melyssa Coldwell, Tim Gossett, Alyssa Hollar, Jessica Knisley, Andrea McKeever, Thomas Mitchell, Jordan Moberly, Erin Morris, Nathan McNeal, Sandra Studenc, as well as many returning certified substitutes.

The next regular meeting of the Greenfield Exempted Village School District Board of Education is scheduled for Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. in the central office board room. For information and updates, go to the district website at greenfield.k12.oh.us or go to the district’s social media pages. The individual buildings also have Facebook pages. The district’s central office may be reached by calling 937-981-2152.

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