Multiple 2024 Summer Awards given


First Row: Addelynn Osborn (Cake Decorating 1st Place & State Fair Junior), Charlie Bratton (Cake Decorating 2nd place Junior); Second row Connor Yochum (Beyond the Grill 1st Place & State Fair), Aubrey Pack (Cake Decorating Beginner 3rd place), and Kallie Posey (Look Great For Less 1st Place). Not Pictured: Baylee McClain (Cake Decorating Advanced 1st place & State Fair)

Kiley Michell (Cake Decorating Beginner 1st Place), Brooklyn Baldwin (Gill Master 2nd Place), Back row Roman Russell (Gill Master Junior – State Fair, Kathryn Ogden (Clothing for High School 1st Place & State Fair), and Sydney Hamilton (Gill Master 1st Place & State Fair Senior)

Sew for Others participants with Makalya Wilder (Sew For Others 1st Place & State Fair) and James Burnem (Seeing Through Graphic Design 1st Place & State Fair Junior)

Hannah West (Let’s Bake Quick Breads 1st Place & Senior State Fair), and Hadley Hauke-Simmons (Let’s Bake Quick Breads 2nd Place & Ohio State Fair Junior) Not pictured: Clair Roberts (Get Started in Art 1st Place & State Fair Junior)

Front row: Adrian Ekhator (Medicine Science and Safety Junior & State Fair), Hailey Halterman (Medicine Science and Safety Senior 1st Place & State Fair), Evelyn Roehm (Yeast Breads on the Rise 1st Place & State Fair), and Sydney Hamilton (Dress Up Outfit 1st Place & State Fair)

Charlie Hauke (Sports Nutrition: Ready Set, Go 2nd Place & State Fair Junior) and Aubrey Baldwin (Sports Nutrition: Ready, Set, Go 1st Place & State Fair Junior) Not pictured: Clare Fullenkamp (You Can Quilt 1st Place & State Fair Junior) and Noah White (Superhero You 1st Place & State Fair)

Sydney Hamilton (Cooking on My Own 1st Place & State Fair), Annalee Shoemaker (First Place in Action State Fair Junior) and Kathryn Ogden (Creative Costumes 1st Place & State Fair) Not pictured: Maguire Ross (First Aid in Action 1st Place & State Fair Senior)

Jennilynn Ogden (Your Feelings Matter 1st Place & State Fair Junior), Kathryn Cluff (Star Spangled Foods 1st Place & State Fair), and Ava Hamilton (Clothing for Middle School 1st Place & State Fair)

Brooklyn Talbott (Shopping Savvy 1st Place & State Fair), Alexis West (Party Planner 1st Place & State Fair) and Elizabeth Ogden (Your Thoughts Matter 1st Place & State Fair)

Addyston Knauff (Teens on the Road To Financial Success 1st Place & State Fair), Emma Yochum (1st Place Global Gourmet and Everyday Food & Fitness & State Fair), and Sydney Hamilton (Outerwear for Anywhere 1st Place & State Fair) Not pictured: Leah Robinson (EM.BEL.ISH: A 4-H Guide to Wearable Art 1st Place & State Fair) and Austin Bohrer (Becoming Money Wise 1st Place & State Fair)

Brailee Williams (Terrific Tops 1st Place & State Fair), Gracie Ogden (Take a Break For Breakfast 1st Place & State Fair), and Addison Hauke (The Laundry Project 1st Place & State Fair)

Adison Fisher (Let’s Start Cooking 1st Place and State Fair), Rhonda Turner (Sundresses & Jumpers 1st Place & State Fair), Peyton Hauke (Let’s Start Cooking 2nd Place), and Morgan Pohlman (Let’s Start Cooking 3rd Place) Not pictured: Aubrey Roberts (Let’s Start Cooking & State Fair Senior)

Christopher Garvie (Discovering 4-H 1st Place), Gabrielle Bushatz (Snack Attack 1st Place & State Fair Junior), Addyston Knauff (Your First Home Away From Home 1st Place & State Fair), and Clara Ogden (Designed by Me 1st Place & State Fair)

Addy Ackley (Sew Fun 1st Place & State Fair), Avery Berry (Photography Basics: Book 1, 1st Place & State Fair), and Tucker Tilley (Photography Basics: Book 1, 2nd Place) Not pictured: Jayah Chaney (Photography Basics: Book 2, 1st Place & State Fair)

Brailee Williams (Grow Your Own Vegetables 1st Place & State Fair), Avery Berry (Grow Your Own Vegetables 3rd Place) Emma Yochum (Loungewear 1st Place & State Fair Senior), Jennilynn Ogden (Loungewear 2nd Place & State Fair Junior), and Elizabeth Ogden (Canning & Freezing 1st Place & State Fair) Not pictured: Austin Bohrer (Grow Your Own Vegetables 2nd Place)

Lilly Fugate (Edible Landscapes 1st Place & State Fair), Gracie Ogden (How Does Your Garden Grow? 2nd Place Edible Landscapes), Breanna Wilder (Accessories for Teens 1st Place & State Fair), and Jennilynn Ogden (How Does Your Garden Grow? 1st Place & State Fair,

Shay Parker (Assistance Animals in Action State Fair), Not pictured: Zoe Zint (Scrapbooking State Fair), and Blake Osborn (Finding Your Voice State Fair)

Ruby Satterfield (Bright Beginnings Clothing Award), Sadie Lee (Bright Beginnings Nutrition Award accepting for Sadie is Adrian Ekhator) and Amelia Mann (Bright Beginnings Special Interest Award)

Brailee Williams (Junior Clothing test 3rd Place), Abby Anderson (Junior Clothing test 2nd Place), and Addy Ackley (Junior Clothing test 1st Place)

Brailee Williams (Junior Clothing Skillathon 1st Place), Ruby Satterfield (Junior Clothing Skillathon 2nd Place), Rhonda Turner (Junor Clothing Skillathon 3rd Place), Sydney Hamilton (Senior Clothing Test 3rd Place), Kathryn Ogden (Senior Clothing Test 2nd Place). Not pictured: Leah Robinson (Senior Clothing Test 1st Place)

Ava Hamilton (Intermediate Clothing Skillathon 2nd Place), Eloise Roehm (Intermediate Clothing Skillathon 1st Place), Jennilynn Ogden (Intermediate Clothing Skillathon 3rd Place). Kathryn Ogden (Senior Clothing Skillathon 1st Place), and Sydney Hamilton (Senior Clothing Skillathon 2nd Place)

Emma Yochum (Senior Clothing Skillathon 3rd Place) and Brenna Wilder (Outstanding Clothing & Textiles Exhibitors 2nd Place)

Addy Anderson (Outstanding Clothing & Textiles Intermediate 2nd Place) And Addy Ackley (Outstanding Clothing & Textiles Exhibitors (1st Place)

Ava Hamilton (Master Clothing Educators of Ohio Junior Category), Addy Ackley (Rising Star), Sydney Hamilton (Ohio 4-H Fashion Review Award), Kathryn Ogden (Harbage Family 4-H Clothing Award), and Kallie Posey (Ohio 4-H Consumer Award) Not pictured: Leah Robinson (Katherine E. Daye Award for Excellence in Clothing & Textiles)

Abby Anderson (Junor Nutrition Test 1st Place), Jennilynn Ogden (Junior Nutrition Test 2nd Place), and Aubrey Baldwin (Junior Nutrition Test 3rd Place)

Alexis West (Senior Nutrition Test 1st Place), Hanna West (Senior Nutrition Test 2nd Place), Kathryn Ogden (Senior Nutrition Test 3rd Place)

Breanna Wilder (Junior Nutrition Skillathon 1st Place), Gracie Ogden (Junior Nutrition Skillathon 2nd Place), and Sadie Lee (Junior Nutrition Skillathon 3rd Place; accepting for Sadie is Adrian Ekhator)

Jennilynn Ogden (Intermediate Nutrition Skillathon 1st Place), Aubry Baldwin (Intermediate Skillathon 2nd Place), and Lilly Fugate (Intermediate Skillathon 3rd Place)

Sydney Hamilton (Senior Nutrition Skillathon 1st Place), Alexis West (Senior Nutrition Skillathon 2nd Place), and Hannah West (Senior Nutrition Skillathon 3rd Place)

Peyton Hauke (Outstanding Nutrition Exhibitor 1st Place) and Addison Fisher (Outstanding Nutrition Exhibitor 2nd Place)

Aubrey Baldwin (Outstanding Nutrition Exhibitor Intermediate 1st Place) and Jennilynn Ogden (Outstanding Nutrition Exhibitor Intermediate 2nd Place)

Alexis West (Outstanding Nutrition Exhibitor Senior 1st Place) and Hannah West (Outstanding Nutrition Exhibitor 2nd Place)

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