Premier Showmen 4-H Club holds meeting


Premier Showmen 4-H Club held a meeting on Aug. 11, 2024. Members began the meeting with leadership games involving water balloons. This game taught members to problem solve as a team and not let other teammates down, just like we will have to do in life. The club had a pizza party and cupcakes to celebrate everyone’s birthday for the year.

Next, members completed demonstrations for 2024. Coy Rom presented what to put in a medicine bag for horses, Landry Teeters presented “How to can peaches,” Liam Frost on “How to get an egg in a jar,” Kenley Case completed one on Magic Milk and Connor Case presented on “What Golf clubs you need to use when golfing.”

President Carly Sanders then covered new business topics about the upcoming fair and events happening in 4-H. Club members then broke down into groups to show each other their project books and work on helping each other improve them, while cloverbuds got to play with a donkey of Advisor Brian Cummings and learn about them. Cloverbuds also tie-dyed t-shirts for the fair. Members had a guest speaker of Diane Waits who talked to members about poultry projects, preparing for showmanship and showing at the fair. While beef members had a clinic on learning to clip and fit your calf.

The meeting was then adjourned and everyone could enjoy a water balloon fight.

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