Hillsboro woman sentenced to over two years


A Hillsboro woman was sentenced to over two years in prison on multiple charges from two different cases.

Shawna Willey, 30, Hillsboro, was sentenced to eight months on one count of aggravated possession of methamphetamine, a fifth-degree felony, which was ordered to be consecutive to 17 months from another case of one count of failure to appear, a fourth-degree felony. Willey was also given 25 days of jail time credit.

According to court documents for the first case, on or around Sept. 8, 2023, at around 10 p.m., a deputy was going northbound on U.S. 62 South when they saw a “suspicious red Dodge Dakota at gas station in New Market. It was closed and the vehicle looked to be idling near the front of the store. The deputy turned onto West New Market Road, after which the vehicle exited the parking lot and turned onto East New Market Road. The deputy followed the vehicle and ran its tag, as it then pulled into a driveway on East New Market Road.

As soon as it pulled into the driveway, the driver shut off its engine and turned the vehicle’s lights off. When the deputy passed the residence, they were told by dispatch that the license plate came back to a 2008 silver Ford. The deputy turned around and came back to the residence, where the red Dodge Dakota was still located.

The deputy pulled up behind the vehicle and activated the overhead lights on their patrol vehicle. As the deputy told dispatch about the stop, someone exited the driver’s seat and started to run southbound between a travel trailer and a barn. The deputy followed the male for around 30 yards and then lost sight of them. As they started to return to their cruiser, they saw someone else in the passenger seat of the Dodge Dakota. The female was identified as Willey.

Willey was placed in the back seat of the deputy’s vehicle. The deputy questioned her about who fled the Dodge Dakota, with Willey saying she didn’t know and that they only gave her a ride. The deputy explained to her that they were going to conduct an inventory of the vehicle, asking her if they would find anything illegal inside. Willey said no “several” times.

The deputy ran the vehicle’s VIN and discovered it was registered to someone with an active warrant. The deputy then again questioned Willey about the person who fled the vehicle, with Willey then saying that it was that person. Two deputies then started their inventory of the vehicle.

During their inventory, one of the deputies found a green tin in the back seat directly behind the driver’s seat. It contained two small baggies which contained a crystal substance. A pill container which was turned into a homemade pipe with white residue was found. The residue of a crystal-like substance was also found inside a light bulb.

Another deputy found a crystal-like substance inside Willey’s purse. The vehicle was towed from the scene and Willey was taken to the Highland County Justice Center. The substances were sent to BCI for analysis. The substances found inside Willey’s purse was found to contain methamphetamine, a Schedule II controlled substance. One of the plastic bags which contained a crystal substance behind the driver’s seat was also found to contain methamphetamine, a Schedule II controlled substance.

According to court documents for the second case, Willey was indicted in Highland County Common Pleas Court case no. 24CR0004 on Jan. 2, 2024. She was arraigned on Feb. 5, 2024, and granted an own recognizance bond. She was advised of her first pretrial hearing date, the pretrial hearing date and the jury trial date. She also signed a carbon copy notice advising her of those dates.

Willey also signed an OR bond promising to appear at those hearings. She appeared at a pretrial hearing on Feb. 21, 2024, when she was told by the Court that her next hearing was scheduled for March 21, 2024, at 1 p.m. She failed to appear at that hearing.

Reach Jacob Clary at 937-402-2570.

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