Lynchburg-Clay Local School Board celebrates team


At the August Lynchburg-Clay Local School Board Meeting, the Board recognized students and staff for their incredible work. Board President, Richard Warner and board members Susan Blankenship, Stacie Rhonemus, Rebecca Sanderson, and Cathy Griffith recognized the Lynchburg-Clay Envirothon Team and the district custodians.

The Lynchburg Clay Envirothon team won 1st place at the State Envirothon competition in June at Hocking College. They received 1st place on the forestry test, soil test, and their oral presentation. Way to go! Their 1st place win at the State qualified them to compete at the North American Envirothon where they will compete against teams from the United States, Canada, China, and Singapore.

The competition is an entire week in Geneva, New York. They took tests on their knowledge of aquatics, forestry, soils, and wildlife and they presented a 20-minute oral presentation. Team members include team captain Abigail Shepherd, Abbigail Manning, Gage Thompson, Kylie O’Connor, and Cloe Williamson. They’re coached by Lara Hamilton.

Custodians were recognized for their incredibly hard work this summer in getting the buildings ready for opening day and their daily work in keeping the buildings clean and maintained throughout the year. Building principals commented on the custodians’ pride and passion in meeting all staff and student needs. Custodians commended included Keith Setty, Vicky Shaffer, Jeff Jones, Jan Winkle, Ginger Barrett, Shane Simmons, Matt Slack, and Sandy West.

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