Premier Showmen participate at Ohio State Fair


Premier Showmen had many members who participated at the 2024 Ohio State Fair. The Ohio State Fair allows youth from all over the state to come and exhibit their project in Columbus, Ohio. Members from Premier Showmen included Clare Fullenkamp with her quilting project, Austin Bohrer with his Becoming MoneyWise Project and his beef project, Casein Giordano with his beef project, Sydney Sanders with her beef project, Carly Sanders with her beef project, Kennedy Hamilton with her beef project, Dwight Phillip Hamilton with his beef project, Wyatt Osborn with his beef project, Blake Osborn with his beef project, Brayden Cumming with his beef project, and Luke Boekman with his swine project. We had many members of the club who also participated in the Ohio State Fair Livestock Judging Contest, such as Blake Osborn, Wyatt Osborn, and Brayden Cummings. We would like to congratulate all these members on competing at the state level and achieving one of their project goals!

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