Garden Club gets ready for fair

President Jennifer West opened the August meeting of the Hillsboro Garden Club with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Lynn Luman took roll call with 10 members and 4 guests answering the question, “Name a favorite garden you have visited or would like to visit.”

The August tip of the month is as follows: Plant a row of sunflowers in your garden to attract a myriad of desirable bird species.

In the absence of Ruth Anna Duff, Luman provided the monthly treasurer’s report, which included a $100 donation to the City of Hillsboro for the Buck Wilkin Flower Fund. This annual donation will be used for civic beautification in the uptown area.

The fall regional meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 9, at the Christ Church located at 3370 Upper Bellbrook Road in Sugarcreek Township at a cost of $30. The theme of the meeting is “Gardening for the Greater Good.” If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Duff at the September meeting.

The fall plant sale will be held during the next meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 24. Please keep in mind that membership and association dues will be collected by Duff, along with new program booklets.

There are a few opportunities left for fair guard duty. The sign-up sheet is located on the corkboard in the floral hall meeting area.

The August meeting was adjourned to clean the floral hall building and prepare for the flower shows.

Refreshments were provided by Luman and Mary Smith.

The Hillsboro Garen Club would like to cordially invite all fair patrons to visit the floral hall to view the flower specimens and artistic designs and meet club members.