City of Hillsboro institutes Phase II Water Emergency


Effective immediately, the City of Hillsboro is issuing a Phase II Water Emergency per Ordinance 51.064.

51.064 Water Emergencies:

(2) Phase two water emergencies. A Phase Two Water Emergency is hereby declared in the City of Hillsboro, Ohio, and it shall be unlawful to use water from the city water system for the purpose of:

*Watering lawns, flowers, trees, shrubs or gardens.

*Washing parking lots, driveways or sidewalks.

*Cleaning of motor vehicles, except in a high-pressure pay car wash facility.

*Filling swimming pools or fountains.

*Any other non-essential use.

(3) Any person who uses water from the city water system contrary to the notices prescribed under division (B) of this section shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor under 130.99 (E), after the person shall be given one written or oral warning to cease the unlawful use.

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