Highland County Farm Tour set for Sept. 14


The 10th annual Highland County Farm Tour, co-hosted by the Highland County Farm Bureau and the Highland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), will be held on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. in the Pricetown area.

“It’s an outreach for farmers and others to get a chance to go to other farms and just see practices or things that they are doing,” Chuck Williams, a district technician with the Highland Soil and Water Conservation District, said. “For example, this year our first stop will be Pearl’s Corner Farm, and the lady does the competitive sheepdog trials. A lot of people might see it on TV, but this lady is going to take her dogs and show us what she does, so it just gives people an opportunity to see things that are not just corn, beans, and wheat.”

This year, the tour will begin at the Salem Township House for registration and loading. After visiting Pearl’s Corner Farm, the tour will go to Save A Warrior to tour their National Center of Excellence and then to Bear Mechanical for some background on the historical facility and a tour of the machining center.

The goal of the event is to provide opportunities for the community to learn about agricultural locations in Highland County and interact with others.

“It gives people an opportunity to come and see stuff that they don’t normally see,” Williams said. “We try to choose locations that are close enough that we can transport people to them on trailers.”

Williams said the tour tries to select three locations that are unique that people normally wouldn’t see.

“Our second stop is Save A Warrior, and it’s something that unless you’re going through the program, you don’t really know what they do,” he said. “It’s going to give us a little bit more detail, and once we get there, they can explain what they do and why they do it and how they do it.”

The tour is free. Those interested in participating in the tour can visit www.highlandswcd.com/events.html or call the Highland SWCD office at 937-393-1922 ext. 3 to register.

Reach John Hackley at 937-402-2571.

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