Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA Members compete at Big E

Pictured from left to right: Corbin Winkle, Paige Teeters, Brian Cummings and Carter Boyd

Two Hillsboro Great Oaks FFA members, Carter Boyd and Corbin Winkle, competed at the Eastern States Exposition, or better known as the Big E.

Carter, Corbin, Ms. Teeters and Mr. Cummings flew into Hartford, Connecticut on Thursday and drove up to Springfield, Massachusetts. Later that day, the group drove to Boston to experience Harvard University, the site of the Boston Massacre, the site of the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Commons.

The next morning, Carter and Corbin competed in their contests. Corbin competed in the Employment Skills contest which takes the competitors through the entire process of getting a job, including making a resume and cover letter, a job application, an interview, a phone call job offer and a thank you letter.

Carter competed in the Prepared Speaking contest where he prepared and practiced a speech, then he answered questions from the judges about his topic.

After competing in the morning, the group traveled to New York City where they experienced Times Square, the Broadway play Hamilton and the Empire State Building.

The next day, at the awards banquet, the awards were announced. Carter placed first in Prepared Speaking and Corbin placed second in Employment skills!

On top of that, the state of Ohio won the overall sweepstakes contest, beating the states of New York, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Congratulations to Corbin and Carter!