Greenfield City Manager Todd Wilkin announces resignation

The following is Greenfield City Manager Todd Wilkin’s resignation in its entirety:

“Dear Greenfield Community,

It is with a mix of sadness and excitement that I announce my resignation as City Manager of Greenfield, effective October 15, 2024. Over the past several years, we have worked together to bring about incredible positive change, and I am deeply proud of what we’ve accomplished as a community.

Together, we’ve secured nearly $20 million in funding to invest in Greenfield’s future, including nearly $17 million in grant dollars that will never need to be repaid. These funds have fueled transformative projects across the village, most notably the revitalization of our downtown, which has already begun to breathe new life into our local economy and enhance the charm of our historic district.

One of the projects I am particularly proud of is the $5.3 million grant we secured for the Felson Park project. This development will not only provide a state-of-the-art recreational space for families and individuals to enjoy but also serve as a hub of community activity for years to come. The Felson Park project represents just one of many examples of how, together, we’ve set Greenfield on a course for lasting success.

While my time in Greenfield has been a deeply rewarding experience, both personally and professionally, the time has come for me to step away and pursue new opportunities. I have every confidence that the foundation we’ve laid will continue to support the bright future of Greenfield, and I will always cherish the memories and friendships I’ve made here.

Leaving this vibrant community is not an easy decision, but I am filled with joy knowing that our collective efforts will continue to bear fruit. I look forward to watching Greenfield thrive, knowing that we’ve helped set the stage for exciting opportunities and enduring progress.

Thank you for your trust, support, and collaboration. I wish nothing but continued success for Greenfield and all who call it home.”