Highland County Democrats hold event at VFW Hall

A panoramic photo of the Highland County Democrat event held at the VFW HALL.

Highland County Democrats welcomed candidates and conversations with a crowd on Sunday at Hillsboro’s VFW Hall. Over 80 guests attended the picnic with a purpose, applauding spirited opening remarks by Congressional candidate Samantha Meadows and the sobering comments of featured speaker, Ohio Supreme Court Justice Melody Stewart.

Dinah Phillips, Democratic Party Chair, was delighted with the full house. She said, “It’s always good to see our members but it was wonderful to see so many new faces here as well”. Central Committee member Janis Snyder said, “Everyone was so enthusiastic. People are fired up.”

Meadows, endorsed by the AFL-CIO, United Mine Workers of America and United Steel Workers, noted there are 70,000 union members in the 8000 square miles of District 2 and emphasized her focus on rural Ohio, veterans and working people. She reminded the audience of volunteers and supporters, “This is noble work. It is patriotic work. Everyone can do something to contribute. And it all matters.”

Sherrod Brown’s representative, Jamie Castle, encouraged the group on his behalf, with reminders of Brown’s successful efforts against drug traffic and in support of community programs.

Introduced by Highland County Judge Rocky Coss, Justice Stewart opened with a quote from Elizabeth Taylor to her fifth husband, who said, “I won’t keep you long!” However, her message could not have been presented more seriously. Justice Stewart remains outraged by the series of disturbing, partisan decisions that forced a party affiliation requirement for judges. She is adamant. “Legal rulings should not be partisan. No governor, current or future, should use their appointment powers to put political puppets in our judiciary. No one on the planet should be appointed to the bench if they are not qualified. We make decisions every day that affect people’s lives. Politics should have nothing to do with those decisions.” The most experienced appellate justice on the Ohio Supreme Court, Justice Stewart served 12 of her 18 years on the bench with the Ohio Court of Appeals. A former law professor, she also holds a Ph.D in Social Sciences. She has no problem comparing her qualifications with those of her rival, who had never served as a judge before his political appointment to the court, and whose justice experience is the 18 months since his appointment.Justice Stewart shared her memory of results in the last election, closing with, “Thanks to you, I won this county in 2018. Vote the same way this year, so I can say thank you again about 2024. ”