Local Features

Campbell Physical Therapy opens


Campbell Physical Therapy and Wellness celebrated its official grand opening with a ribbon cutting from the Highland County Chamber of Commerce on March 30.

Hillsboro library hosting Career Spotlight


With graduation dates on the horizon, the Hillsboro Library is hoping to help patrons on their career journeys with a special program series.

What is God’s favorite food?


In a poll of several hundred experts, angel food cake was voted the preferred cuisine of heaven. Angel hair pasta came in second. But Angel Food Ice Cream kept showing up as a favorite from kids in Memphis, Tennessee. Is this some new flavor?

Relationships are what matter


Who is your favorite Bible character? When I have asked that question of people in the past, invariably I get a variety of answers: David, Peter, Abraham, Paul, Joseph, Moses and even Joshua. There are even a few women in the mix – Ruth, Esther and Mary. But in all my years of asking that question no one has ever mentioned the fellow that has been prominent in my thinking as one of my all-time favorites. He is a little-known and barely-mentioned fellow in the New Testament. The fellow I am talking about is called Onesiphorus.

Kline honored by fair association


Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Department of Agriculture) Interim Director Tracy Intihar addressed delegates from Ohio’s 94 county and independent fairs at the 98th Ohio Fair Managers Association annual convention at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

Garden club’s first meeting of year


The Hillsboro Garden Club held its first meeting of 2023 on March 28 at the Kathryn Zane Granger Floral Hall on the Highland County Fairgrounds. After vice president Lynn Luman called the meeting to order, members stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance and then sang “God Bless America” led by Ed Davis.

AAA7 volunteer advocates needed


Are you an individual that often thinks or states, “I feel sad for people who reside in nursing facilities and seldom have visitors?” Maybe you have thought, “Who checks on those who have no family members involved and ensures their voices are being heard?” Maybe you have retired recently and feel you need some type of meaningful connection. Conversely, you could be starting out in your career and want more experience with advocacy and working with older adults. If these statements describe you, I would love to introduce you to our Volunteer Ombudsman Program at the Area Agency on Aging District 7.

Lynchburg Masons will have open house


On April 22, the Lynchburg Masonic Lodge will open its doors for a fish fry and public open house. The lodge is located at 131 S. Main St., Lynchburg, and the event from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Lynchburg Lions help library


The Lynchburg Lions Club recently presented eight full screen magnifiers to the Lynchburg Library. The Lions are known for their community service projects. Sight saving, eye care, and eye research are major priorities of Lions Clubs worldwide. The Lynchburg club purchased four magnifiers that have four times capability and four additional units that have three times capability. These units were placed in the Library where they will be available to anyone. They are one of many service projects made to the community by the Lynchburg club. The money generated for these donations came from the Club’s annual candy sale. The magnifiers were presented to Elaine Williams, manager of the Lynchburg branch of the Highland County District Library. They will be available to anyone who has vision impairment and who needs magnification to read or better see other materials. Pictured (l-r) are Lion Jim Faust, librarian Elaine Williams, Lions President Bob Roth, Lions VP Virginia Rhonemus and Lions Treasurer Chris Hamlin.

Hamiltons celebrate 50th anniversary


The Hamilton family has announced the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Randy Hamilton and Reta (Jones) Hamilton. Randy and Reta attended and graduated from Whiteoak High School together and married on March 24, 1973.