Covid case count is dropping

COVID-19 case counts in Highland County have dropped significantly after weeks of increases, according to a Tuesday update from Highland County Health Commissioner Jared Warner

Warner said the county is currently at 88.04 Covid cases per 100,000 residents, which drops it below the high incidence threshold. He said the county has had 38 new cases in the last 14 days and that the other trends are low and look to be staying there.

“Good news all around on COVID-19 disease trends,” Warner said.

In vaccination news, the gap in vaccination numbers for Ohio and Highland County continued to rise in both the “vaccine started” and “vaccine completed” categories.

The state average for vaccine started is 42.92 percent, significantly higher than the Highland County average of 26.61 percent.

In terms of completed vaccines, the state average is 37.72 percent, while the Highland County average is 23.67 percent.

Both full statistics for Highland County and Ohio can be seen below.

According to the dashboard on Tuesday, 26.61 percent of the population in Highland County has started its vaccinations, equaling 11,485 people. The ODH considers started as “when an individual has received at least one valid dose of COVID-19 vaccine.”

The dashboard lists the following COVID-19 figures for various age groups in Highland County:

* 0-19 — 247 people, or 2.22 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 20-29 — 629 people, or 12.74 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 30-39 — 821 people, or 17.03 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 40-49 — 1,210 people, or 22.96 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 50-59 — 2,067 people, or 35.69 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 60-64 — 1,485 people, or 48.74 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 65-69 — 1,487 people, or 57.44 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 70-74 — 1,341 people, or 62.84 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 75-79 — 963 people, or 64.11 percent, have started their vaccines.

* 80 and over — 1,235 people, or 63.56 percent, have started their vaccines.

According to the dashboard, 23.67 percent of the population in Highland County has completed its vaccinations, equaling 10,215 people. The ODH considers completed when “an individual has received all recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses and is considered fully immunized.”

The dashboard lists the following COVID-19 figures for various age groups in Highland County:

* 0-19 — 139 people, or 1.25 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 20-29 — 487 people, or 9.87 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 30-39 — 688 people, or 14.27 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 40-49 — 1,042 people, or 19.78 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 50-59 — 1,837 people, or 31.72 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 60-64 — 1,369 people, or 44.93 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 65-69 — 1,332 people, or 51.45 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 70-74 — 1,247 people, or 58.43 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 75-79 — 897 people, or 59.72 percent, have completed their vaccines.

* 80 and over — 1,177 people, or 60.58 percent, have completed their vaccines.

Reach Jacob Clary at 937-402-2570.
Warner says other trends are low and look to stay there

By Jacob Clary

[email protected]